The Matheson Associates statement of values and principles
Matheson Associates has:
- A company purpose that is ultimately focused upon contributing towards improved outcomes for the children, clients, recipients, patients, customers and communities that public sector and non-for-profit organisations exist to serve
- an understanding of the public service ethos and the environment within which public servants operate
- a duty to provide high quality and trustworthy independent advice and assistance, along with a willingness to ask the hard questions
- a respect for, and clarity on, your confidentiality
- a belief that corporate management thinking and practice needs to be applied to the social sector selectively and with discernment - one size does not fit all
- a promise to only take on assignments that we are qualified to perform
- a high regard for the value of experience, qualifications, professional affiliations and our own ongoing professional development
- a willingness to work collaboratively and to share our knowledge and skills
- a goal of delivering long term sustainable solutions that are grounded within your organisation rather than quick fixes
- a commitment to demonstrate high standards of ethical behaviour and an assurance that we are bound by, and comply with, appropriate codes of ethical conduct ie the Institute of Management Consultants New Zealand's Code of Professional Practice and the Australasian Evaluation Society's Code of Ethics.